Celebrate the best of Greek Culture in Adelaide.

Live music + dance, traditional food + drink

dimitria Greek festival 2018 traditional yiros

Traditional Food

Renowned for our Spanakopites, the ladies of Vergina have been busy preparing this year’s offerings. We also have traditional favourites such as yiros, souvlaki and loukanika.

Dance Groups

Our community is filled with those who share a love for traditional Greek dance and who want to showcase our heritage to the broader community. Join in the fun and experience what the best Greek dance groups in Adelaide have to offer.

Staazi & co Greek Vegan Food Truck

Vegetarian & Vegan Options

The Dimitria Festival is an inclusive event, and we welcome all those who want to participate in our rich culture. We have catered for people within our community who require vegetarian or vegan dietary choices.

dimitria Greek festival 2018 volunteers

Our Volunteers

The Dimitria Festival would not be possible without the dedication from our volunteers. Want to get involved and lend a hand on the day? We would love to have you! Simply email us at; info@thepanmacedonianfederationofsa.com.

Download the Official 2018 Program

Principal Sponsors of the 2018 Dimitria Greek Festival


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Highlights from the Dimitria Festival 2017


The Official Launch 2018

Exhibitors & Vendors

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40th Dimitria Greek Festival Cultural Events Calendar

Join us & celebrate the best Greek culture Adelaide has to offer

Culture Education Official Lectures Official Procedings Dimitria Festival
10:00 am
12:00 pm
Coordinated through the Greek Consulate General Education Section, Adelaide Title.
Student Competition
All entries will be on display during the Dimitria festival weekend.
10:00 am
2:00 am
The service is officiated by His Grace Bishop Nikandros of Doryleon. Stay for the luncheon provided by St Dimitrios Parish.
Dimitria Church Service
St Dimitrios Church, Saints Road, Salisbury.
12:00 pm
3:00 pm
After the Church service at Saint Dimitrios Church, Salisbury, join us for the Official Luncheon marking the beginning of the Dimitria Festival.
Official Festival Luncheon
12:00 pm
10:00 pm
Saturday November 24th and Sunday November 25th at Kings Reserve, Torrensville.
Dimitria Festival 2018
Free Entry, all welcome.
2:00 pm
6:00 pm
Sunday November 4th at the Hellenic Macedonian Cultural Centre, 94 Henley Beach Rd Mile End.
Music Afternoon
Trio Zorba, Tsambica and Ismini will perform traditional and laiki songs. The event is hosted by the Vergina Women\'s Cultural Society. Entry is $15, included afternoon tea.
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
Official opening celebration on Saturday 24th November.
Official Festival Opening
7:00 pm
9:00 pm
Sunday November 11th at Flinders University Bedford Park, Campus North Lecture Theatre 2 Humanities Building, Humanities Road Car Park 5.
Aristotelia Celebration
Flinders University of S.A, in conjunction with the Halkidikeon Society of S.A and the Pan Macedonian Federation of S.A, will be hosting a special event to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the unveiling of the statue of \\\'Aristotle\\\'.


  • Student Competition Coordinated through the Greek Consulate General Education Section, Adelaide Title. · All entries will be on display during the Dimitria festival weekend.
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Music Afternoon Sunday November 4th at the Hellenic Macedonian Cultural Centre, 94 Henley Beach Rd Mile End. · Trio Zorba, Tsambica and Ismini will perform traditional and laiki songs. The event is hosted by the Vergina Women\'s Cultural Society. Entry is $15, included afternoon tea.
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  • Aristotelia Celebration Sunday November 11th at Flinders University Bedford Park, Campus North Lecture Theatre 2 Humanities Building, Humanities Road Car Park 5. · Flinders University of S.A, in conjunction with the Halkidikeon Society of S.A and the Pan Macedonian Federation of S.A, will be hosting a special event to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the unveiling of the statue of \\\'Aristotle\\\'.
    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


  • Student Competition Coordinated through the Greek Consulate General Education Section, Adelaide Title. · All entries will be on display during the Dimitria festival weekend.
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Music Afternoon Sunday November 4th at the Hellenic Macedonian Cultural Centre, 94 Henley Beach Rd Mile End. · Trio Zorba, Tsambica and Ismini will perform traditional and laiki songs. The event is hosted by the Vergina Women\'s Cultural Society. Entry is $15, included afternoon tea.
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  • Aristotelia Celebration Sunday November 11th at Flinders University Bedford Park, Campus North Lecture Theatre 2 Humanities Building, Humanities Road Car Park 5. · Flinders University of S.A, in conjunction with the Halkidikeon Society of S.A and the Pan Macedonian Federation of S.A, will be hosting a special event to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the unveiling of the statue of \\\'Aristotle\\\'.
    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


  • Official Festival Luncheon After the Church service at Saint Dimitrios Church, Salisbury, join us for the Official Luncheon marking the beginning of the Dimitria Festival.
    12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Official Procedings

  • Dimitria Church Service The service is officiated by His Grace Bishop Nikandros of Doryleon. Stay for the luncheon provided by St Dimitrios Parish. · St Dimitrios Church, Saints Road, Salisbury.
    10:00 am - 2:00 am
  • Official Festival Opening Official opening celebration on Saturday 24th November.
    4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Dimitria Festival

  • Dimitria Festival 2018 Saturday November 24th and Sunday November 25th at Kings Reserve, Torrensville. · Free Entry, all welcome.
    12:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Culture Education Official Lectures Official Procedings Dimitria Festival
2:00 pm
6:00 pm
Sunday November 4th at the Hellenic Macedonian Cultural Centre, 94 Henley Beach Rd Mile End.
Music Afternoon
Trio Zorba, Tsambica and Ismini will perform traditional and laiki songs. The event is hosted by the Vergina Women\'s Cultural Society. Entry is $15, included afternoon tea.


  • Music Afternoon Sunday November 4th at the Hellenic Macedonian Cultural Centre, 94 Henley Beach Rd Mile End. · Trio Zorba, Tsambica and Ismini will perform traditional and laiki songs. The event is hosted by the Vergina Women\'s Cultural Society. Entry is $15, included afternoon tea.
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


  • Music Afternoon Sunday November 4th at the Hellenic Macedonian Cultural Centre, 94 Henley Beach Rd Mile End. · Trio Zorba, Tsambica and Ismini will perform traditional and laiki songs. The event is hosted by the Vergina Women\'s Cultural Society. Entry is $15, included afternoon tea.
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Culture Education Official Lectures Official Procedings Dimitria Festival
10:00 am
12:00 pm
Coordinated through the Greek Consulate General Education Section, Adelaide Title.
Student Competition
All entries will be on display during the Dimitria festival weekend.
7:00 pm
9:00 pm
Sunday November 11th at Flinders University Bedford Park, Campus North Lecture Theatre 2 Humanities Building, Humanities Road Car Park 5.
Aristotelia Celebration
Flinders University of S.A, in conjunction with the Halkidikeon Society of S.A and the Pan Macedonian Federation of S.A, will be hosting a special event to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the unveiling of the statue of \\\'Aristotle\\\'.


  • Student Competition Coordinated through the Greek Consulate General Education Section, Adelaide Title. · All entries will be on display during the Dimitria festival weekend.
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Aristotelia Celebration Sunday November 11th at Flinders University Bedford Park, Campus North Lecture Theatre 2 Humanities Building, Humanities Road Car Park 5. · Flinders University of S.A, in conjunction with the Halkidikeon Society of S.A and the Pan Macedonian Federation of S.A, will be hosting a special event to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the unveiling of the statue of \\\'Aristotle\\\'.
    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


  • Student Competition Coordinated through the Greek Consulate General Education Section, Adelaide Title. · All entries will be on display during the Dimitria festival weekend.
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Aristotelia Celebration Sunday November 11th at Flinders University Bedford Park, Campus North Lecture Theatre 2 Humanities Building, Humanities Road Car Park 5. · Flinders University of S.A, in conjunction with the Halkidikeon Society of S.A and the Pan Macedonian Federation of S.A, will be hosting a special event to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the unveiling of the statue of \\\'Aristotle\\\'.
    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Culture Education Official Lectures Official Procedings Dimitria Festival
12:00 pm
10:00 pm
Saturday November 24th and Sunday November 25th at Kings Reserve, Torrensville.
Dimitria Festival 2018
Free Entry, all welcome.

Dimitria Festival

  • Dimitria Festival 2018 Saturday November 24th and Sunday November 25th at Kings Reserve, Torrensville. · Free Entry, all welcome.
    12:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Culture Education Official Lectures Official Procedings Dimitria Festival
10:00 am
2:00 am
The service is officiated by His Grace Bishop Nikandros of Doryleon. Stay for the luncheon provided by St Dimitrios Parish.
Dimitria Church Service
St Dimitrios Church, Saints Road, Salisbury.
12:00 pm
3:00 pm
After the Church service at Saint Dimitrios Church, Salisbury, join us for the Official Luncheon marking the beginning of the Dimitria Festival.
Official Festival Luncheon
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
Official opening celebration on Saturday 24th November.
Official Festival Opening


  • Official Festival Luncheon After the Church service at Saint Dimitrios Church, Salisbury, join us for the Official Luncheon marking the beginning of the Dimitria Festival.
    12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Official Procedings

  • Dimitria Church Service The service is officiated by His Grace Bishop Nikandros of Doryleon. Stay for the luncheon provided by St Dimitrios Parish. · St Dimitrios Church, Saints Road, Salisbury.
    10:00 am - 2:00 am
  • Official Festival Opening Official opening celebration on Saturday 24th November.
    4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
No events available!

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